Saturday 19 January 2019


Hey guys!!
So it's 2019 now and time really flies so fast yeah. Even 24hours aren't enough for me.

Well, 2018 have been tough for me. I'm really been through ups and down. Even, I can't barely have time to hang out with my family and friends :( Yeah, it's sometimes make me sad too. But, I know what I have done and what I have choose. I shouldn't regret it, I must walk through it and face it. Even if it's hard, but you ain't got time to regret and wondering all of it. 2018 taught me a lot of things that make me now in 2019 more mature and more patient.

And in this 2019, I promise to be better me and to chase what I want. This year, I don't want to waste a lot of my time again and I want to make my parents proud of me. And of course I want to be something that I can proud of myself. But, there's something that I learn in this 2018
"the earth doesn't just spin for us, so don't be selfish"

Simply but it is. You can't always wait something to be better, but what you can do is you should make it better and make people around you happy. Yeah, let's do it 2019! We can and I can!

Anw, here it is some pic of me that have been taken by @edlinjap (you can search her at ig and found out her awesome shoot)

Well, I know it's been a lil bit late but

xx, Tiffrappucino

Saturday 22 December 2018

Ovale Olive Oil

Hai gaesss!!
Akhirnya setelah sekian bulan saya menulis blog lagi. Uhuyyy!! Since, emang kadang aku males dan kadang sibuk juga yaa. Jadinya, lupa nulis deh huhu. But, aku mau banget sih bisa komitmen dan rajin nulis blog. Doakan aku yaa gaesss.

But, well hari ini aku tuh gak bahas soal fashion ataupun random thoughts, melainkan hari ini aku akan bahas tentang wajah kita. 
Uda pada tau dong kalo menjaga dan merawat wajah, rambut dan tubuh itu sangat penting. Aku tuh yahh sebenarnya orangnya males banget apalagi kalo pakai skincare, body lotion atau conditioner gitu gitu, soalnya rempong bangetttt sisss mau tidur aja banyak banget stepnya, mau keramas aja banyak stepnya HAHA. Tapi, ada satu produk nih yang buat semuanya menjadi lebih gampang dan praktis yaitu Ovale Olive Oil. Ovale Olive Oil ini hanyalah 1 produk namun mencakup banyak banget kebutuhan kita. 

Aku itu kan orangnya hampir tiap hari dong yaa makeup dan catokan rambut, untuk photoshoot ataupun untuk show. Nah, biasanya setelah kelar semuanya. Wajah aku uda pasti kusam banget dan rambutku juga pasti uda lepek banget dah. Dan kalian juga pasti tau dong betapa capeknya ituuu hahaha. Tapi, akhir-akhir ini aku lagi coba pake Ovale Olive Oil yang dapat memberikan nutrisi pada ujung rambut yang kering akibat catokan dan juga bisa memperbaiki kelembaban kulitku dalam seketika! Setelah pakai Ovale Olive Oil ini rambutku juga jadi makin lebat dan terlihat tidak kusam. Karena rambutku ini jg bekas cat, jadi pastinya sangat butuh vitamin ataupun sesuatu yang dapat menjaga rambutku ini. Trus, rambutku juga uda gak rontok banyak. Yaa walaupun tetep ada rontok tapi uda mendingan. Nah, kalo soal wajah juga sama gaes. Ovale Olive Oil dapat menjaga kelembaban & kehalusan kulit wajah karena mengandung 100% pure olive oil & Vit E, juga mengandung bahan natural alami, sehingga aku tidak takut dalam memakai produk ini nih! Since, aku orangnya juga males banget pake skincare yang bermacam-macam, jadi setelah cuci muka trus usapkan langsung ke mukaku dan tidurrr! Muka aku juga sudah terjaga dan tidak usah memakai banyak macam skincare.

Oh iya! Kalian juga bisa pake Ovale Olive Oil ini sebagai pengganti body lotion kalian loh. Karena ini tuh benar-benar dari bahan natural alami dan dapat menjaga kelembaban kulit tangan & kaki kita. Sehingga Ovale Olive Oil ini aman sekali untuk digunakan pada tubuh kita. Cukup memakai Ovale Olive Oil ini aja dah, semuanya dapat terawat! Bener-bener praktis deh gaess! Walaupun kemasannya kecil tapi banyak sekali manfaat yang ada pada Ovale Olive Oil ini. Ku uda coba jugaloh gaes, dan ini semua beneren honest review. Kalian boleh deh cobain beli dan pake.

And here it is! Some of my photos!

Overall, thank you so much Ovale Olive Oil. Let's get ready with ovale olive oil!
Ini juga another photos nya nyehehehee.
Ohya, langsung aja kalian cek di instagram @OvaleBeautyId ! Dan tentunya instagram ku juga gaesss @tiffanykongadian

Atau kalian juga bisa klik link dibawah ini

Hope you guys love this post and make sure stay tune at my post!

xx, Tiffrappucino


Thursday 4 October 2018


Hey again guys!! So, tonight I'm gonna post about my outfit again which I had done with @edlinjap (you guys can check it at IG, she is really so talented young girl). Anyway, this outfit is a lil bit playful and weird. It's not that street or swag, but it is more about fun shoot and playful. Cos, a street style shoot or swag shoot quite bored I think hahaha. So, let's make some fun and playful shoot.
Have a look guys and enjoy it!

top: friend's top || fanny pack: @aneeyone (online shop at IG) || beret hat: @cottonlogie (online shop at IG) || denim pants: bought it at penang || sneakers: vans || sunnies: (online shop at IG)

So, here it is all!
Hope you guys love it and get some inspiration
Thank you before!

xx, Tiffrappucino

Wednesday 3 October 2018


Holaaa guys! Nowadays I'm feeling so not productive like I have a lot of free time and I don't know what should do hahaha. Can you guys give me some option maybe what should i do? But, well since I love fashion so much, so would always share my lookbook and my ootd for you guys. Maybe you guys can get some inspiration or something. And so here it is! Have a look guys!!

outer: @jedd.vintage (onlineshop at IG) || denim jumpsuit: @ingehutayashop (onlineshop at IG) || hat: pull n bear || sneakers: nike || bag: @aneeyone (onlineshop at IG)

So, here it is! All of my photos cookbook for today.
Seeyou on another post.
Hope you guys love it!

xx, Tiffrappucino

Monday 1 October 2018


Hi guys! So here it is, I will share my lookbook when I went to Jakarta last August. And I had photoshoot with @dennynih (you guys can just check his profile at ig). He has a great taste of photography and he took a lot photos of influencer at Jakarta. But, well here it is I will share some of my photos. I use kind of basic street style which is, ripped jeans, denim outer, sneakers and cap. But, somehow this basic street style is quite good too. You still can look cool and swag.

Here it is my photos! Have a look of it! ;)

checkered hat: pullnbear || outer: colorbox || ripped jeans: old navy || inner top: H&M || sneakers: vans

Seeyou on my next post!
Hope you guys like it and got some inspiration XD

xx, tiffrappucino

Monday 20 August 2018


Hi hi hiii!!

Today, I just wanna share some story about this life, about people out there and people around us. Well, I had friends, they are two boys and they were in the same group dance with me. But, they will soon left our group dance, because there is about some issue of their economy. 

I just feel glad and grateful that I can met them. They really change my mind right now. I was ever feel like never satisfied about my life, cos I can't get what people had like branded bag, bigger house, luxury car, and can traveling everywhere everytime. But, since I met them I know how hard is this life. They really motivate me and give me such inspire. They were very strong and I don't know how can they survive for their life. I mean my friends Kiky and Elthen. They should support themselves and also others (daddy, sister, brother).

Kiky had 7 brothers and sisters, his father was sick and in a very bad condition, so his father can't work again and Kiky the oldest child should work and support their family. Well, can you just imagine that how he can support them and support their father which is sick. Even himself can't just eat what he like, he should think about their family first. He like to dancing but, in this condition right now he should out from our group dance, cos he should focus about his work and finding money for their family. His age was 22 yo but, he already should work hard and support their family. Can you just imagine how hard is his life?

Well, the other one, Elthen. He is also the oldest child and his father had 3 wives. Mean that he had 3 moms. Right now, his dad is also in bad condition and can't work to support their family. And he has responsible to work and finance his family. He also college because he need the bachelor for his work so, that he can get a lot of salary. 

Really I can't imagine if I was in their place. I don't know I can survive it or not. They are really strong and I'm so proud of them. Glad and grateful that I met them. They change my life so much and change my mind so much that there are still a lot of people below us. I mean like keep your money for something good reason. Start right now, I won't waste my money for buying unimportant things. And I'll start keep my money and share for a good reasons.

xx, Tiffrappucino.

Sunday 12 August 2018


Hi guys!
So, today it is just about my midnight thought and it is about "TIME". As you guys know, time really pass so fast. You can't stop it or you can't told it to wait you. Every year, every month and every day you should really use it useful. Once you waste it like unimportant, it means some of your life time will look unimportant. When you are still young and still can do anything productive, just do it. When you are still have time to work and to learn a lot, just do it. When you are still have time to try something new, just do it. Cos when time already pass so fast like about 2 years and you are still do nothing. You will feel like you are so useless.

Well, I, myself right now will use "TIME" more useful and never underestimated it. About my passion, my family, my love and my education. And cos if you ever waste your time, it means you waste something important in your life. So, right now I will create a lot of good content at my ig or at this blog. Also I will always be myself.

And here it is! Some of my pics for today yayyy!!

top to toe from: H&M | outer: bought it at online shop | sunnies: online shop (ig: @karamata_id) | bag: online shop (ig: @balirotan)

Hope you guys enjoy it!

Seeyaa on the next post <3
xx, Tiffrappucino